We are reaching out for your support in addressing a critical issue affecting a significant number of individuals in Ukraine. Based on available statistics, it is estimated that millions of people in the country, particularly those affected by the war, are living with mental disorders, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
PTSD is a highly challenging chronic condition, with many patients experiencing symptoms even after 20 years since the trauma occurred. The incidence of PTSD often worsens over time following the traumatic event. It is reported that the lifetime prevalence of PTSD among veterans is 15-20% or more.
Despite the debilitating nature of PTSD and its high incidence among veterans, the available therapy options remain limited. Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy have shown a high non-response rate, and pharmacotherapy is associated with numerous side effects. Consequently, a significant proportion of PTSD patients continue to be resistant to treatment. These findings underscore the urgent need for new and effective treatments for this disorder.
One promising approach is ketamine psychotherapy. However, due to current Ukrainian laws, state-funded medical institutions, including military hospitals, are not allowed to offer Ketamine-assisted therapy. As a result, only a few individuals from our highest-risk population have access to this potentially transformative intervention.
Members of the Ukrainian Parliament have indicated that a successful research study involving 50 PTSD-afflicted Ukrainian war veterans could pave the way for legislation that would allow state-funded medical institutions to offer Ketamine-assisted therapy.
We are seeking an minimal initial grant of $68,400, which would have a significant impact in three key areas:
- Provide a powerful and much-needed treatment for 40 military veterans.
- Create a formal and empirical research report that documents the findings of the study.
- Unlock larger institutional delivery models to scale up this effective treatment modality.
Optimal grant for 100 veterans would be $171,000.
Your contribution will not only help alleviate the suffering of those with PTSD but also contribute to the overall well-being and mental health of our society. Together, we can make a lasting impact and provide hope for a better future.
By supporting this cause, you will contribute to improving the lives of veterans and offer hope for a better future. We invite you to check the Concept Note for more details on how you can make a difference.
Thank you for considering our appeal and for your potential support!
Dr. Vladislav Matrenitsky,
+380 7373 080 88
expio.kiev (at) gmail.com
Media about us:
How Psychedelics Could Help Soldiers Overcome Trauma
From Party Drug to Medicine: How Ketamine is Used to Treat Depression in Ukraine
Guerra en Ucrania: la salud mental en juego
A new therapy for Ukraine’s scarred soldiers: ketamine
The Economist
Ukraine’s new cure for the horrors of war: Ketamine and MDMA Drugs could make men better warriors
Psychedelic Drugs: New PTSD Treatment for Ukraine’s Military Vets
Kyiv Post
Scarred: Ukrainians Defy the Trauma of War
Arte TV
In Ukraine, Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Aims to Heal the Mental Wounds of War
UNITED24 Media
Este médico ucraniano trata con ketamina a los veteranos del ejército: “El 80% tendrá problemas de salud mental”
Psychedelic Drugs: New PTSD Treatment for Ukraine’s Military Vets
Kyiv Post
Psychedelic therapy with ketamine aims to ease PTSD for Ukrainian soldiers coming back scarred from front-line fighting
Business Insider
Psychotherapy for military with PTSR. Psychidelics will help?
Deutsche Welle